Liver Function Check
The liver is one of the largest organs in the body which has many important metabolic functions. Get an insight into how your lifestyle may be impacting your liver function, and stop liver disease becoming part of your future.
Love your liver
The liver has many important metabolic functions - it converts the nutrients in your diet, including fats, carbohydrates and proteins, into substances that your body can use. It also stores vitamins and minerals and supplies cells with them when needed.
Your liver also has an important detoxifying role - it processes drugs and alcohol and filters toxic chemicals, converting them into harmless substances or making sure they are released from the body.
What we test
Liver Function
Your liver processes drugs and alcohol, filters toxic chemicals, stores vitamins and minerals, and makes bile, proteins and enzymes. This liver function test examines enzymes and other markers for evidence of damage to your liver cells or a blockage near your liver which can impair its function.
This liver function test measures:
Test instructions
Your finger prick test kit and all instructions are posted directly to you, and there is no need to visit a collection centre.
Fast from all food and drink other than water for at least 8 hours, and no more than 12 hours prior to your test.
Ready. Set. Go!
for £49
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