Kidney Check
One person dies every 25 minutes from kidney related disease known as the silent killer. You can lose up to 90% of your kidney function before experiencing any symptoms, that's why watching for signs of early impairment with a kidney function test is so important.

Keep your kidneys healthy

90% of individuals who have indicators of chronic kidney disease are largely unaware they have a potentially life threatening disease. Chronic kidney disease can be detected early with a kidney function test and managed appropriately which means deterioration in kidney function can be reduced by as much as 50% and may even be reversible.

The kidneys play a vital role in the daily workings of your body. Your blood supply circulates through the kidneys about 12 times every hour, and the kidneys make urine from excess fluid and unwanted chemicals or waste in your blood.


The kidneys perform a number of key functions - when kidney function is impaired, this can be evident in the results of a kidney function test:

  • Cleaning blood – kidneys filter your blood to remove wastes and toxins.
  • Blood pressure control – kidneys keep your blood pressure regular.
  • Water balance – kidneys add excess water to other wastes, which makes your urine.
  • Vitamin D activation – kidneys manage your body’s production of this essential vitamin, which is vital for strong bones, muscles and overall health.

Bodybuilders and extreme athletes are more at risk of kidney failure due to high protein intake, excessive muscle breakdown from intense exercise, as well as anabolic steroid use.

What we test
Kidney Function
A blood test is used to find out the level of waste products in your blood and calculate what’s called your estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).
This kidney function test measures:
Urine Protein
Protein in your urine may mean that your kidneys are not filtering your blood well enough, and blood in the urine can be a sign of kidney disease.
This urine test measures
Test instructions
Print out the pathology form that we email you. Please note this test requires a collection at a phlebotomy service for which there is an additional fee payable directly to the service.
Book a collection for a venous blood draw using a phlebotomy service from the details that are emailed to you. Please note there is an additional cost associated payable directly to the service approx (35-85 GBP). Contact us for options and pricing in your location. This test will require a Monday - Wednesday collection and samples are sent to the lab by the phlebotomist.
Ensure you are properly hydrated before your test.
calendar-instructions instruction-kit
We'll publish your results in your own personal dashboard within 3 business days of the sample being received back
Ready. Set. Go!
for £88
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